We enforce all parking restrictions which are defined within the Highway Code. As we get many questions regarding what certain road markings mean and if you can and can’t park somewhere, we have listed the most common restrictions to help educate motorists that may not be aware of them.
Double Yellow Line

These mean ‘no waiting at any time’ and only allow parking in specific instances. You can load or unload on them providing this is continuous and a CEO observes this taking place. Blue badge holders can also park on them for up to 3 hours when they display their badge and clock.
Single Yellow Line

This means ‘no waiting’ during the times that the nearby timeplates will indicate. During the restricted times you can load or unload on them providing this is continuous and a CEO observes this taking place. Blue badge holders can also park on them for up to 3 hours when they display their badge and clock.
Loading Ban

A loading ban will apply where there is a single or double yellow line ‘no waiting’ restriction which has adjacent yellow kerb markings.
Single kerb markings indicate that a loading ban applies during certain times indicated by a nearby timeplate. Double kerb markings indicate that a loading ban applies at all times.
Parking when a loading ban applies is not permitted for any vehicle.
Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)

These are zones that indicate that a restriction applies in locations where road markings and/or continuous signage is not desirable. These are usually to indicate ‘no waiting’ restrictions however signage must always be considered fully by the motorist to identify the restriction at that particular location.

A clearway means that no stopping is permitted at any time. This is the strongest level of parking restriction as there are no exemptions that permit parking here. There are no road markings that indicate a clearway but there are large signs when you enter a clearway and smaller repeater signs throughout that restricted zone.
School Keep Clear
These zig-zag restrictions are used around the entrances to schools. These prevent the picking up or setting down of children during restricted times which tend to coincide with the school’s start and finish.

Limited Waiting Bay

These are bays that permit parking for a limited period of time. For example a sign may state ‘Maximum stay of 2 hours, no return within 3 hours’. This means that you can park for up to 2 hours but may not return to that location (including to other bays with that restriction) within 3 hours.
Blue badge holders may park all day when clearly displaying their badge their badge and clock.
Blue Badge Bay
These bays allow parking for blue badge holders only during the restricted times. These may be time restricted or allow parking for badge holders all day depending on the signage at the location.
For more information on blue badges, see our dedicated page:
Dropped Kerb
Dropped Kerbs are sections of the pavement that have been lowered to allow vehicles to move between roads and properties.
Visit Essex County Council’s website for more information on how to apply for a dropped kerb.
Goods Vehicles Loading Only
These bays are to enable goods vehicles to load or unload to local businesses. No other vehicles are permitted to park in these bays during the restricted times which will be made clear on the timeplates at the location.
This must be carried out continuously and our CEO’s must observe it taking place during their observation period. Vehicles must be moved once loading has finished.
Loading Only Bays

These bays are to enable any vehicle to carry out loading or unloading. This must be carried out continuously and our CEO’s must observe it taking place during their observation period. Vehicles must be moved once loading has finished.
Resident Permit Holder Only Bay/Zone

Resident permit bays are for use of residents that have a residential parking permit. Other permits are available for visitors, carers and traders. These can be obtained from us and further details can be found on our permits page.
Some residential permit schemes are zones rather than individual bays. These are known as Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ) and only have signage on entry to the zone and smaller repeater signs within the restricted area, rather than bay markings.
Business Permit Bay

Business permit bays are for use of permit holders that have a business parking permit only. These can be obtained from us and further details can be found on our permits page.
Taxi Rank
These bays are reserved for licensed Hackney Carriages or private hire vehicles only. The times this will apply are detailed on the timeplates at the location.
Red Route
For more information on red route restrictions, see our dedicated page:
Electric Vehicles Charging Only Bay

These bays are reserved for Electric Vehicles (EV) that must be plugged in and charging, to an adjacent charging point.
These are often with a maximum stay period to allow for appropriate charging access for other EV drivers.
Images shown are obtained from the Department for Transport and are used in line with the Open Government Licence. This licence is viewable on their website – https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/
Apply for Parking Restrictions
Find out how to apply for a new or amended Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) here:
Apply for a TRO