What are the Park Safe school cameras?
The Park Safe School (PSS) cameras are made available to schools where a requirement for additional support has been identified, with an aim to change behaviours to support the safe travel of children to school.
These cameras will be installed and operated by the North Essex Parking Partnership and are provided to support the efforts in tackling parking issues around schools.
The cameras will be monitored off site by a trained Civil Enforcement Officer and will be used to observe the restrictions and vehicle activity only.

Important information
Please note the Park Safe Schools scheme is currently on hold pending review. As such, the scheme is not currently in operation and we have suspended assessments of further school locations. Our Civil Enforcement Officers continue to patrol and enforce school restrictions on-foot and using our Park Safe Cars as usual. We appreciate your patience during this time.
More Information
What will the Park Safe School cameras do?
The camera will always be directed to the restricted area, however we may be required to adjust the angle for purposes only related to the restriction or where a red route applies. The camera cannot and will not be used for monitoring of any other purpose.
How long will the Park Safe School cameras be installed for?
We will be regularly monitoring the success of the cameras which will be measured by assessing the change in parking behaviours around the school. The cameras will therefore only be installed for a temporary period of time which will vary and be determined based on the successes at each location.
What will happen after the Park Safe School cameras are removed?
The ongoing success of the Park Safe cameras, once removed, will be monitored via checks on the level of compliance in the area, as well as whether changed behaviours remain. It may be the case that cameras could return in future should there be a need to do so.
Park Safe Schools FAQ
Why can NEPP use cameras to enforce parking restrictions?
Equipment that can be used for the enforcement of some parking contraventions via CCTV is regulated by the Traffic Management Act 2004 and the associated legislation.
The 2004 Act provides a system approval scheme for CCTV systems used for parking enforcement known as “Approved Device Certification”. All systems used for the enforcement of parking contraventions must be certified by the Department for Transport (or its appointed agents) under this scheme.
We have obtained VCA (Vehicle Certification Agency) approval for all our devices.
Can my local school have a camera?
The decision on where the cameras are installed or moved to is based on our own assessment, using data and our knowledge of the location, as well as technical requirements that can influence the sustainability of a site for a camera. We are therefore unable to consider any external requests for camera enforcement.
Why do you enforce School Keep Clear Markings?
Keep clear markings contribute towards a safer environment for pedestrians, particularly children, around the immediate vicinity of schools by minimising traffic congestion.
This not only allows safe passage across the road without obstructed visibility but also creates a healthier environment by reducing pollution density in the area.
Why is there a need for camera enforcement?
Cameras are put in place around school keep clear markings, bus stops and red routes where traditional enforcement with a foot patrol is difficult, insensitive or impractical, and where a suitable level of compliance has not been achieved.
At some locations we may enforce multiple restriction types with one camera.
Our Civil Enforcement Officers may still attend locations where cameras are present, in order to enforce other restrictions or to support the use of the cameras themselves.
What will you do with the footage you capture?
The footage will only be recorded and can only be used for the enforcement of school keep clear markings, bus stops and red route restrictions. It is not a public space surveillance system but recorded footage may include pedestrians in the vicinity at the time. Privacy filters in the system are designed to limit unnecessary footage being recorded but we do have the ability to blur out faces, vehicles or any other personal data.
Our privacy policy can be found here.
Am I able to request to view captured footage?
Please refer to our privacy policy here to understand how to exercise this request.
Park Safe Schools FAQ
When do restrictions apply and where else can I park?
The restrictions will apply during school drop off and pick up times which will be dictated by the signage adjacent to the markings at each location.
We encourage parents to escort their children to school on foot where possible. This could mean walking from home or parking a healthy distance from the school and continuing some of the journey on foot. We understand that some motorists might have mobility or circumstantial issues that preclude them from walking, so we would encourage these motorists to park considerately away from the restrictions or speak to the school directly as they may have alternative provisions.
Our 3PR scheme aims to provide these alternative options for safer parking where possible and any specific measures will be communicated by the school.
I live on a street with a Park Safe camera – can you see my house?
Cameras are configured to include privacy filters which are adjusted to ensure that only the public highway, school keep clear markings, bus stops and relevant signage are in view.
We can not and will not use the camera for any other purpose than monitoring and enforcing against the school school keep clear markings and bus stops.
What will happen with parking displacement in my area?
We will continuously monitor any risk of dispersing the problem along with the school, and take any action necessary. Our Civil Enforcement Officers may still attend locations where cameras are present, in order to enforce other restrictions or to support the use of the cameras themselves.
If you have any concerns around displacement of parking or any other enforcement related queries please let us know by email to parking@colchester.gov.uk.
How will I know if camera enforcement is taking place?
Traffic enforcement camera signs are displayed at all sites where approved devices are used to enforce. This signage is prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (TSRGD) 2016. This can be found here.
Motorists should follow the laws of the road regardless of whether or not a camera is monitoring the location.
Will you blur out any faces within captured footage?
Privacy filters in the system are designed to limit unnecessary footage being recorded but as part of our standard processes we blur out faces, vehicles or any other personal data, not relevant to the contravention.
Our privacy policy can be found here.
Can I ask you to remove any footage?
Please refer to our privacy policy here to understand how to exercise this request.