On 21 September, NEPP civil enforcement officers (CEOs), in partnership with the Police and enforcement agents, carried out a successful Day of Action in Colchester to tackle persistent offenders who regularly park illegally in the city centre.
The officers stopped several vehicles on the High Street and received full payment for nine Warrants of Control for unpaid Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs), totalling £915.75.
NEPP CEOs also issued 35 PCNs to drivers flouting parking restrictions and engaged with the public, who expressed safety concerns about food delivery couriers parking on the High Street.
Cllr Daniel Land, NEPP Chair, said: “We are pleased with the results of our Day of Action, and we will continue to take action against those who deliberately choose to ignore the parking rules. Parking restrictions are in place for a reason, and it is important that everyone complies with them. This is about targeting the right people and making our city centre and highways safer for all.”
Cllr Martin Goss, Colchester Borough Council Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Waste, added: “I am delighted to see that NEPP is taking action to tackle persistent parking offenders in the city centre.
“This is a safety issue, primarily, and I am glad that NEPP is taking steps to address it. I hope that this Day of Action will send a clear message to those who persistently ignore the rules that their behaviour will not be tolerated.”
NEPP is planning future Days of Action across North Essex.
For more information about NEPP, visit north.parkingpartnership.org