When the second lockdown period in England starts on 5 November, the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) will continue to operate and prioritise patrols on safety critical routes and ensure roads are accessible outside schools and for Essential Vehicles such as Emergency Service vehicles, waste collections and deliveries.
NEPP is also continuing to provide support to local motorists during this difficult time and, following the second lockdown announcement, resident parking permit holders living in Braintree; Colchester; Epping Forest; Harlow; Tendring and Uttlesford will be contacted via their online MiPermit accounts regarding a temporary extension to their permits.
One-hour single yellow line restrictions, where commuters might usually park, will also be relaxed during the lockdown period to support home-working. Motorists must still avoid causing an obstruction and must keep access clear for Essential Vehicles.
To assist all NHS key workers during this difficult period, NEPP is also operating a digital parking permit scheme for NHS employees. The scheme aligns with the Government’s own offering, providing free parking stays for NHS staff in NEPP managed car parks in Braintree; Colchester; Harlow and Uttlesford, while they’re on duty. More information about this scheme can be found on the NEPP’s website.
NEPP also understands that some of its customers may be under financial pressure at the moment. To help with this, NEPP is offering three additional payment options to help customers pay any Penalty Charge Notices (parking tickets). Customers must let NEPP know which, if any, of these three options they wish to take up. Further information about these is available at http://www1.parkingpartnership.org/north/onlinepayments
To enable staff to carry out essential patrols, NEPP is encouraging motorists to act responsibly, park safely, observe parking restrictions and respect its staff who are working hard to keep the roads safe for everyone’s benefit. To help reduce the spread of Covid-19, where possible, any motorists using car parks, are also urged to make contactless payments via MiPermit.
Motorists are also being encouraged to use NEPP’s website to find information and make payments where possible, and staff will provide help and support for anyone who contacts its enquiry line. Please be advised that callers may experience a longer wait than usual.
Councillor Robert Mitchell, Chairman of the North Essex Parking Partnership, said: “We learnt a lot during the first lockdown earlier this year and I’m incredibly proud of the way NEPP adapted services, provided support and has continued to respond to this ever-changing situation to keep roads clear, moving and safe. Our experience also means we’re in a better and stronger position to keep traffic moving, and to keep people parking safely during this next lockdown.
“Our staff will continue to do everything they can to ensure the safe flow of traffic and assist responsible parking as this situation evolves. With schools remaining open, we will also prioritise these restrictions, making sure children can be dropped off and collected from school safely.
“There are still no excuses for careless or inconsiderate parking, and we are asking all motorists to park responsibly and considerately. The number-one priority is to maintain access for essential services and schools, for the benefit of all.
“We are working with our partners to monitor and respond to the changing parking habits in the light of Covid-19 and new ways of working.
“I would ask everyone to keep calm, be reasonable and park considerately. We regard any form of abuse towards our staff as totally unacceptable. Our staff wear body-worn cameras for their, and the public’s, protection so evidence from these will be used if required.”
NEPP will continue to review its operations in line with the latest Government advice and guidelines. For further information about parking in North Essex during the current pandemic, please visit NEPP’s dedicated Coronavirus webpage at http://www1.parkingpartnership.org/north/coronavirus